Pong DevLog

These are the sources I used to create my project.

Pong Ball - https://pngtree.com/freepng/pingpong-ball-3d-render_13340216.html

Blue and Red Paddles (took a screenshot and cropped it) - https://kevinsguides.com/guides/code/java/javaprojs/simple-2d-pong/

Walls (took a screenshot and cropped it)  - https://softuni.org/project-tutorials/how-to-make-a-pong-game-in-csharp-guide/

SFX and Music:

Ball colliding the walls (Light impact on the ground) - https://mixkit.co/free-sound-effects/ball/

Paddles hitting the ball (Electric Pop) - https://mixkit.co/free-sound-effects/pop/

Goal SFX - https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/energy-drink-effect-230559/

Win SFX - https://mixkit.co/free-sound-effects/win/

Lose SFX (only plays when you lose against AI) - https://mixkit.co/free-sound-effects/game-over/

Background Music - https://uppbeat.io/track/hartzmann/easy-arcade


When the Ball goes through a goal (off screen) it goes back to the centre and goes in the different direction at an approximately similar speed.  

The ball increases speed with each hit. 

The scores are displayed and are calculated correctly. 

When the game ends (first player to have 10 points), the paddles stop moving and the ball doesn't re-centre. 

Message show up after the game ends, identifying the winner with the 'play again' and 'back to menu' buttons. 'Play again' button resets the game and 'back to menu' button goes back to the title screen, giving you options to play against AI ('1 Player' button) or against another human ('2 players' button).

Can play against AI.

I have added in sound effects when ball hits the walls and paddles and when it goes through goals. SFX for when the game ends with a victory like music and a game over music when you lose against AI (Only plays in 1 Player game and lose against AI)

I had try to make a ball pause a bit after each goal instead of immediately moving after resetting to the centre but for some reason the speed were not consistent with the ball pausing for a couple of seconds so I decided to scratch that idea. 


I have used ChatGPT only once to help give me a idea of how I can script an AI on to a paddle. I modified it a bit so that it more fair to play against and more smoother. 

Here's the link to that conversation:



Build.zip Play in browser
Aug 11, 2024